Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World.The story centers on Subaru Natsuki, a hikikomori who suddenly finds himself transported to another world on his way home from the convenience store.
Re Life in a different world from zero Cosplay Beatrice Costume
Include:Cloak x1, Coat x1, Vest x1, Pants x1, Skirt x1, Apron x1, Headwear x2, Bow-knot x3
Material:PU, Uniform Cloth, Knitting Fabric, Artificial Fur
Re Life in a different world from zero Cosplay Rem Costume
Include:Dress x1, Headwear x2, Neckwear x1, Guard Sleeve x2, Leg Decoration x1, Socks x2,
Material:Worsted Nepal, Spandex
Re Life in a different world from zero Cosplay Felt Costume
Include:Vest x1, Tube x1, Headwear x1, Scarf x1, Gloves x1,Belt x1, Sock x1, Sword Cover x1
Material:PU, Uniform Cloth, Artificial Fur, Spandex
Re Life in a different world from zero Cosplay Subaru Natsuki Costume
Include:Coat x1, Shirt x1, Pants x1
Material:Rib, Spandex, Clinquant Flannelette, Polyester Cotton